
Mexico: more narco-mineral exports seized

Mexican authorities seized a ship carrying 68,000 tons of illegal iron ore bound for China—hailed as the latest blow against the drug cartels' contraband mineral sideline.

The Andes

May Day mining disaster in Colombia

An unknown number of miners—perhaps as many as 40—were buried alive as an illegal gold mine collapsed at El Palmar, in Colombia's southern region of Cauca.

The Andes

Bolivia: three dead in miners’ protests

Three were killed as thousands of independent miners blocked highways across Bolivia  to protest a pending law that would impose restrictions on their cooperatives.

The Andes

Peru: artisanal miners block highways again

Informal miners have for days been blocking the Pan-American Highway on Peru's coast to protest the end of the "formalization" process for titling their claims.


Michoacán crackdown on narco-mineral nexus

Mexican authorities seized 119,000 tons of iron ore at Michoacán's Pacific seaport of Lázaro Cardenas, following tips about drug cartels exporting black-market ore to China.


French troops to Central African Republic

France is escalating its military mission in the Central African Republic, airlifting troops and equipment to the capital Bangui ahead of an anticipated UN-backed intervention.

The Andes

Peru: government ultimatum to illegal miners

Peru's government has issued an "ultimatum" to small-scale miners, threatening to dynamite their equipment if they do not clear out of the remote areas where they operate.