Edward Snowden and Ecuador press freedom
Edward Snowden seeks refuge in Ecuador, just as the Andean country has passed a media law protested by the Committee to Protect Journalists as imposing arbitrary censorship.
Edward Snowden seeks refuge in Ecuador, just as the Andean country has passed a media law protested by the Committee to Protect Journalists as imposing arbitrary censorship.
The US gave contradictory signals as it let one of the Cuban Five stay in Cuba and let Mariela Castro visit the Liberty Bell—but continued to pin a “terrorist” label on Cuba.
Veteran Black Panther Assata Shakur's addition to the FBI's "Most Wanted Terrorists" list is a propagandistic abuse of the English language in the service of historical revisionism.
Dissident Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez spoke to a packed auditorium at New York University, challenged by audience members from both the left and the right.
The US has “between five to seven different transition plans” for achieving a “democratic, market-oriented society” in Cuba, according to documents filed in federal court.
Spanish national Angel Carromero, sentenced to four years in Cuba for the car accident that killed dissidents Oswaldo Payá and Harold Cepero, will serve out his sentence in Spain.
The Mercosur trade bloc expressed “strongest condemnation of the violence unleashed between Israel and Palestine,” while Cuba and Venezuela issued stronger statements.
The relation of climate change to extreme weather remains controversial in the US, but it seems to be widely accepted by government officials in the Caribbean.
Economic damage from Sandy was extensive, with banana, coffee, bean and sugar crops ruined in the eastern region; 11 were killed, and thousands of homes destroyed.
Spanish national Angel Francisco Carromero gets four years in the automobile accident that killed well-known dissident Oswaldo Payá—but Cuba and Spain may make a deal.
A right-wing Spanish politician with a history of speeding went on trial for allegedly causing a car accident in which the well-known Cuban dissident Oswaldo Payá was killed.
Human Rights Watch condemned US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for force-feeding detained migrants. Detained men at the agency's El Paso Processing Center have been participating in a hunger strike since early January. ICE officials said that 11 men are striking, but AP reports the number may be closer to 30. In mid-January a federal judge authorized ICE to force-feed six of the protesters. The detained men have been protesting "rampant verbal abuse and threats of deportation from guards" and long detentions while awaiting a hearing. Most of the hunger strikers are from India or Cuba. (Photo: Hetsumani/Pixabay)