The Amazon

Lima climate summit in shadow of state terror

Peru's government made much of its rainforest protection efforts at the Lima climate summit—but a new report names it as the fourth most dangerous country for ecology activists.

East Asia

Hong Kong to Ferguson: corporate police state

The pepper spray used by Hong Kong police is made by the Sabre company—its headquarters just oustide Ferguson, Mo., now exploding into protest over the Michael Brown case.

Southeast Asia

Worldwide despots: Orwell still dangerous

Protesters in military-ruled Thailand have been silently reading 1984 in public to outwit a ban on gatherings—leading to the book itself being banned. Egypt could be next.

Central America

Nicaragua: inter-oceanic canal route approved

Nicaragua approved a route for its proposed inter-oceanic canal—sparking demands both by the Rama indigenous people and neighboring Costa Rica to be consulted in the project.

Watching the Shadows

Chuck Hagel: revenge of the paleocons?

Leftists are ironically rallying around Chuck Hagel as Obama's apparent pick for Secretary of Defense—a conservative Republican who is wary of the neocons but close to Big Oil.


Mexico: new details emerge on Wal-Mart scandal

Following up on an exposé last April of bribery by Wal-Mart de México,  NY Times reporters  have identified 19 Wal-Mart stores whose construction was aided by corruption.

Planet Watch

Cornhuskers pack Keystone XL hearing

At the small town of Albion, hundreds of angry Nebraskans packed the state’s only environmental review hearing for the pending Keystone XL Pipeline.

Planet Watch

Quebec fracking ban challenged under NAFTA

Energy firm Lone Pine Resources is challenging Quebec’s fracking moratorium under the North American Free Trade Agreement, and demanding $250 million in compensation.