Greater Middle East

Syria chemical attack: rush to judgement

Iran, Russia and conspiranoids left and right line up to call the Syria gas attack a "false flag" op—rushing to judgement before the facts are in, just like those who blame Assad.


Alice Walker: off her rocker

Until Alice Walker repudaites David Icke's fascistic conspiranoia, she isn't doing the Palestinians any favors by speaking on their behalf.

Greater Middle East

Israeli air-strikes near Damascus

Israeli missiles struck a research center near Damascus, as massacres of Sunni families by pro-government militias are reported from Syria’s coastal Alawite stronghold.

The Caucasus

Chechnya war comes to Boston —or not?

Voices on the left seek to play down jihadist involvement in the Chechen struggle, while the neocon right plays it up—ironically in line with Moscow's propaganda.

North America

Chechen rebels see anomalies in Boston attack

The Kavkaz Center, voice of the Chechen mujahedeen, issued a statement suggesting that the suspects in the Boston attacks were framed in a plot to discredit their struggle.

North America

Conspiracy vultures descend on Newtown

Paranoid conspiracy theories proliferate about the Newtown massacre, adding to the noise of pro- and anti-gun control voices that all distract us from the fundamental questions.

Greater Middle East

Syria chemical weapons threat: how real?

Is a "false flag" attack in preparation to faciliate military intervention that would install the rebels in power? Or is Washington more afraid of WMD falling into jihadist hands?

North Africa

Petraeus prostration: Benghazi blowback?

David Petraeus was scheduled to testify before Congress on the Benghazi attack when he was brought down by a sex scandal. Did the FBI instrument the revelation to silence him?

New York City

NYC: another bogus ‘terrorism’ bust

The latest supposed near-miss terrorist attack in New York City appears to be yet another specious case in which the "terrorist" plot turns out to be a creation of FBI infiltrators. 

Greater Middle East
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David Venegas Reyes

Just over a year after Trump's air-strikes on an Assad regime airbase in response to a chemical attack, we witness a repeat of this episode—although this time the air-strikes were on wider targets, and carried out in conjunction with British and French forces. In response to last week's chemical attack on Douma in Syria's besieged Eastern Ghouta enclave, missiles and warplanes from the USS Donald Cook in the eastern Mediterranean carried out the first Western strikes on targets around the Damascus area. The targets were chemical warfare and military facilities, with no deaths or civilian casualties yet reported. "Anti-war" hypocrites who were silent during Trump's massive bombardment of civilians in Raqqa and Mosul, silent during the Assad-Purtin destruction of Aleppo, and silent (at best) over the Douma chemical attack, are now protesting air-strikes on Assad's machinery of death. Such "anti-war" depravity is part of the problem. (Image: Syria Solidarity NYC)

Greater Middle East
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Women at Jiftlik clinic

The Turkish assault on Afrin has forced the enclave's Kurdish defenders into an alliance with the same Assad regime that is committing war crimes in Eastern Ghouta. This tragically poses an obstacle to any solidarity between the respective defenders of the besieged enclaves. But we in the West are faced with no such grim choices, and should be capable of a consistent position. Yet Noam Chomsky, who signed a statement in support of Afrin, has shamefully abetted Putin's propaganda portraying the repeated chemical attacks on Ghouta as "fake news." (Photo of Aleppo ruins from UNHCR)