Central Asia

Uzbekistan cracks down on NGOs

Despite the recent tensions between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, both governments seem equally paranoid about Western-backed subversion within their borders. And perhaps with reason. From RFE/RL, July 12: A Tashkent court today ordered the closure of the Urban Institute, a U.S.-based… Read moreUzbekistan cracks down on NGOs

Central Asia

Kyrgyzstan expels US diplomats

It seems the Kyrgyz government, itself put in power by a US-sponsored revolution last year, is increasingly paranoid that Washington is brewing another one. And perhaps with reason. Note that negotiations over continued Pentagon access to Kyrgyz military bases are… Read moreKyrgyzstan expels US diplomats

Central Asia

Gitmo Uighurs to Albania

Albania, of all places, has agreed to take in five Uighur militants who had been captured by the US in Afghanistan and held at Guantanamo. Stateside Uighur advocates and human rights organizations went to court to halt their deportation to… Read moreGitmo Uighurs to Albania

Central Asia

Cheney does Kazakhstan

Those who think the current global conflict is fundamentally about anything other than a strategic struggle for control of oil can be disabused of their illusions by reading (surprise!) the New York Times (May 6). This includes those who buy… Read moreCheney does Kazakhstan