Central America

Guatemala: ex-dictator Oscar Mejía declared a fugitive

Judicial authorities in Guatemala declared ex-president Oscar Humberto Mejía Victores a fugitive and ordered his arrest to face charges of genocide for massacres carried out during the country’s civil war in the 1980s.

Central America

Honduras: police find shipment of arms from US

Honduran police discovered an illegal shipment of arms from the US in Puerto Cortés, the country’s main port, in the violence-plagued north, torn by land conflicts as well increasing activity by drug smugglers and criminal networks.

Central America

Central America: abuse continues in US-linked maquilas

Managers at two factories in northern Honduras owned by the US clothing firm Delta Apparel, Inc. are continuing to threaten women employees suffering from work-related injuries, according to the Honduran Women’s Collective (CODEMUH).

Central America

Honduras: police arrest more Aguán campesinos

Between 200 and 600 soldiers and national police agents reportedly raided the campesino community of Rigores in Honduras’ conflicted Lower Aguán Valley, breaking into homes, destroying belongings and hitting both adults and children.

Central America

Honduras: campesinos arrested as Aguán violence continues

Honduras armed forces chief Gen. René Osorio Canales claims police and soldiers were ambushed by “people with high-caliber weapons, people who have dedicated themselves to guerrilla activities” in the conflicted Lower Aguán Valley.

Central America

White House expands drug watch list to include all Central America

President Barack Obama has included El Salvador and Belize on the list of 22 countries ranked as “Major Illicit Drug Transit or Major Illicit Drug Producing Countries,” for the first time placing all seven Central American nations on the annual list.

Central America

El Salvador recognizes Palestine, deploys soldiers to Afghanistan

El Salvador’s President Mauricio Funes won praise from leftist supporters of his FMLN government with his decision to recognize Palestinian statehood—but also won protest with his move to send troops to Afghanistan to back up NATO’s mission.

Central America

Honduras: two resistance activists murdered

Activist Mahadeo (“Emo”) Sadloo was shot dead at his automobile tire shop in eastern Tegucigalpa; just one day later, activist journalist Medardo Flores was gunned down near his farm in the north.