Central America

Honduras: three die in continuing Aguán violence

A new wave of murders indicates that violence in the Lower Aguán Valley of Honduras is not subsiding despite several agreements aimed at ending the region’s longstanding agrarian conflict.

Central America

Honduras: DEA agent kills in Miskito Coast narco raid

A DEA agent shot a man to death in Honduras during a raid on a smuggling operation—marking the first confirmed time the DEA has killed during an operation since the agency began deploying teams to Latin America.

Central America

Guatemala: attentat against gold mine opponent

Telma Yolanda Oqueli, leader of protest blockades at EXMINGUA gold mine near Guatemala City, was shot in the chest and gravely wounded by gunmen on a motorbike. Local residents demand their right to be consulted on the mine.

Central America

Panama: indigenous Wounaan finally get land title

After a 30-year struggle, two indigenous Wounaan collectives in the eastern Panamanian province of Darién received titles from the government to their traditional lands—but clashes over logging in the territory continue.

Central America

Honduras: Aguán land dispute partially settled

The Honduran government signed an agreement granting campesinos some 4,000 hectares of farmland in the conflicted north of the country—far less than the government agreed to provide in an accord two years ago.

Central America

Next for Honduras: “charter city” neocolonialism?

Honduras passed a constitutional amendment drawn up by the administration of President Porfirio Lobo that allows the creation of “Special Development Regions” within the country—where the national state would have limited, if any, authority.

Central America

Honduras: US claims success in drug war militarization

With anger still growing in Honduras over the Miskito Coast drug raid that left four dead and villagers terrorized, the White House shows no sign of reconsidering the Central American Regional Security Initiative.