The Caribbean

Cuba: USAID head quits after latest scandal

After three exposés in one year about USAID "democracy promotion" programs in Cuba, the agency's head is out at last. His record in Haiti hasn't been that much better.

The Caribbean

Haiti: UN ‘peacekeepers’ fire on protesters

As President Martelly takes steps to calm protests down, UN troops seem to be escalating by intervening in a march—a video shows them firing in the direction of protesters.

The Caribbean

Haiti: marchers shot at battle commemoration

Government supporters attacked an opposition demonstration, wounding at least four. Meanwhile, a government minister calls his former Lavalas colleagues "roaches."

The Caribbean

Haiti: UN troop mandate renewed for one year

The UN has extended its military operation another year, but it still has to deal with the lawsuits and costs brought on by the cholera epidemic it introduced to Haiti.

The Caribbean

Haiti: women protest 1835 abortion law

Nearly a fifth of Haiti's maternal deaths follow clandestine abortions, but the government still hasn't released a May 2013 document recommending repeal of the abortion law.