South Asia

Pakistan: who was behind Quetta attack?

ISIS and the Taliban both claimed responsibility for the deadly suicide attack at a police academy in Quetta, while Pakistani authorities blamed the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi network.


Mullah Mansour death: blow to Pakistan?

The killing of Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Mansour in a US drone strike actually took place in Pakistan—without consent of Islamabad, signaling a break between the two allies.

South Asia

Ismaili Muslims massacred in Pakistan

In an attack claimed by ISIS, gunmen on motorcycles stopped a commuter bus carrying Ismaili Muslims in Karachi, boarded it and opened fire on the passengers, killing at least 45.

Greater Middle East

Global mobilization for Kobani

Supporters of the Kurdish resistance at Kobani will hold a global mobilization Saturday Nov. 1, with the New York City rally at Union Square at 3 PM.


Iran, Pakistan battle at Baluchistan border

Pakistani and Iranian forces exchanged mortar fire along their border in the divided region of Baluchistan, after days of Baluch militant attacks both sides of the line.


Persian Gulf militarized —by drug war

In addition to the naval face-off over a global oil outlet, the Persian Gulf has seen escalating militarization by international forces in the guise of narcotics enforcement.


Iran hangs 16 after Baluch border clash

Sixteen accused militants were hanged in Iran’s Baluchistan province—in apparent retaliation for the deaths of at least 14 border guards in an ambush just the night before.


Pakistan stock market soars on terror wave

Over the past year of growing violence and chaos in Pakistan, the Karachi Stock Exchange surged more than 44%, placing it among the world’s top-performing stock markets.