The Andes

Mass prisoner pardon in Bolivia

President Evo Morales on Christmas Eve pardoned and released 1,800 prisoners—part of his ongoing effort to curtail dangerous overcrowding in Bolivia's penal system.

The Andes

FARC narco-factions refuse to lay down arms

FARC leaders admit that five regional commanders—those most co-opted by the narco trade—are refusing to lay down arms, and have been expelled from the movement.

The Andes

Ecuador: ecology group ordered closed

Ecuador's government ordered Quito-based activist group Acción Ecológica closed amid a wave of repression against indigenous anti-mining protesters in the Amazon.

The Andes

Colombia: FARC amnesty law approved

Colombia's Congress approved an amnesty law as part of the peace process, protecting guerilla fighters from prosecution over most crimes related to the conflict.

The Andes

FARC demobilization back on after court ruling

Colombia's Constitutional Court approved the government's plan for "fast track" authority to expedite congressional approval of terms for a peace deal with the FARC rebels.

The Andes

Peru: new effort against Shining Path remnants

Peru's new defense minister, Jorge Nieto Montesinos, announced that he will focus on wiping out remnant Shining Path guerillas operating in the country's main coca-producing region.