
PKK-aligned Yazidi militia battles ISIS

Young Yazidis—including women—are returning to Iraq's Mount Sinjar from which they were "cleansed" by ISIS last year, fighting to reclaim their homeland from the jihadists.


US betrays Rojava Kurds (inevitably)

Washington has given Turkey a green light to crush the revolutionary Kurds—in Turkey, Syria and Iraq alike—as the price of Ankara's cooperation against ISIS.

Greater Middle East

Turkey in new crackdown on ISIS —and PKK

As Turkey opens Incirlik Air Base to US warplanes, it has launched sweeps against supporters of both ISIS and their enemies in the PKK and allied leftist forces.


Spain: holograms protest anti-protest law

Activists in Spain staged a creative protest against the country's new "Citizen Safety Law"—projecting holograms of themselves that marched on the parliament building in Madrid.


Greece: populist bloc with xenophobes

Syriza needs anti-austerity partners for its economic program, but its alliance with the anti-immigrant Independent Greeks further mainstreams very dangerous politics.


Rojava revolution speaks in New York City

A forum at New York's City College featured a Skype link to Saleh Muslim, political leader of the Kurdish resistance at Kobani, and vividly described life in the besieged autonomous zone.


Kurdish revolution: what odds for survival?

Will the anarchist-oriented Rojava Kurds ultimately be crushed in deference to Washington's NATO ally Turkey—or coopted into imperial clients? Is a third revolutionary option possible?