Watching the Shadows

Press was prone on drones, but cover blown

The media are abuzz with reports that the CIA has a secret drone base in Saudi Arabia—but the New York Times and Washington Post admit they sat on the information for two years. 

North Africa

Mali: French fight Tuaregs in Kidal?

With French forces carrying out air-strikes in preparation for an advance on Kidal, it remains unclear if the remote town is under the control of jihadists or Tuareg separatists.

Watching the Shadows

Gitmo detainee seeks ECHR ruling on CIA prison

Gitmo detainee Abu Zubaydah asked the European Court of Human Rights to rule on whether Poland violated his rights by hositng a secret CIA prison where was tortured. 

North Africa

US drone base for Niger: report

The US military is preparing to establish a drone base in Niger along the eastern border of Mali, where French forces are currently waging a campaign against jihadist rebels.

Watching the Shadows

Prison evidence at issue in 9-11 trial

Defense lawyers for the five accused 9-11 conspirators petitioned a US military judge at Guantánamo Bay to preserve the prisons where the defendants were held as evidence. 

Watching the Shadows

Conviction of al-Qaeda media director vacated

The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit vacated the conspiracy conviction of Ali Hamza Ahmad Suliman al-Bahlul, former media secretary of Osama bin Laden.


Pakistan Foreign Minister condemns drone attacks

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar condemned US drone attacks as a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and international law, “counter-productive” to fighting terrorism.

North Africa

Mali poised for multi-sided war

With French troops fighting on the ground in Mali, jihadist militias advance on the capital, while Tuareg rebels pledge to re-establish a separatist state in the north.

North Africa

French air-strikes open Mali intervention

France carried out air-strikes against Islamist rebels in Mali, helping government forces halt a drive southward by the militants who control the country’s desert north. 

Watching the Shadows

Judge: Gitmo detainee has no right to secret info

A judge for the US District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that lawyers for a detainee at Guantánamo Bay may not review “top secret” materials related to the case.