Watching the Shadows

US transfers two Gitmo detainees to Saudi Arabia

Two Guantánamo Bay detainees were transferred to Saudi Arabia—with “humane treatment assurances.” The total number of detainees at the facility now stands at 160.
Greater Middle East

Syria: imperialists keep flipping script

Ex-CIA director Michael Hayden says Bashar Assad is the best option for stability in Syria—while the White House now considers arming jihadist rebels.

Greater Middle East

Yemen: war comes to capital

A suicide attack on the defense ministry thrust Yemen briefly into the news—as an invisible sectarian war rages across much of the countryside.

Watching the Shadows

Gitmo detainees accuse Poland in CIA rendition

​Lawyers for two Guantánamo detainees, arguing before the European Court of Human Rights, accused Poland of providing a secret torture site for the CIA's "rendition" program.

Watching the Shadows

Gitmo lawyer: declassify interrogation techniques

The lawyer for five Gitmo prisoners charged in the 9-11 attacks has asked President Obama to declassify the CIA interrogation program that allegedly subjected prisoners to torture. 

North Africa

Qaeda commander claimed captured in Libya

Al-Qaeda operative Nazih Abdul Hamed al-Ruqai AKA Abu Anas al-Libi, wanted for his role in the 1998 African embassy bombings, was reportedly captured by US forces in Tripoli.


US sea raid on Somali rebel stronghold

US forces launched a night raid on a rebel-held town in Somalia’s southern Lower Shabelle region from the sea—apparently an effort to kill the leader of the Shabaab.

Watching the Shadows

Gitmo judge allows 9-11 hearings to continue

A military judge refused defendants’ request to suspend pretrial hearings in the case against five Guantánamo Bay prisoners related to the 9-11 terrorist attack. 

Greater Middle East

Syria: what is the imperial agenda?

Obama's UN speech pledged: "We will ensure the free flow of energy" from the Middle East. Yet intervention risks a conflagration that could threaten imperial control of the oil reserves.

Greater Middle East

Syria: civil wars in the civil war

As the Free Syrian Army now battles jihadist rebels as well as the regime, the two biggest jihadist factions are fighting each other for control over oilfields in Syria’s north.

Greater Middle East

Syria’s Christians become propaganda pawns

Syria’s Christians are becoming propaganda fodder in an international war of perceptions, with atrocities carried out by the jihadist Nusra Front being attributed to the FSA.