
More than 65,000 Eritrean refugees languish in Sudan

Sudan hosts more than 66,000 Eritrean refugees, the first of whom arrived in 1968 during the war of independence against Ethiopia. They say they now fear persecution in Eritrea and refuse repatriation.


Eritrea: rights report blasts torture state

A new report by the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights details “extensive and systematic” rights violations faced by thousands of political prisoners in Eritrea.


Somalia: more insurgent amputations

Shabab insurgents amputated a foot and a hand from each of two young men accused of robbery in the southern port of Kismayu. The militants compelled thousands of residents to watch.


Guinea: crackdown toll nears 160

The African Union and France are threatening sanctions after the Guinean army fired on protesters in the capital, Conakry, killing 157.


Great powers fight in Somalia?

The same day a US Special Forces helicopter raid reportedly killed a Shabab insurgent leader in Somalia, residents at the southern village of Erile reported a second chopper raid by French forces