
South Sudan shuts down oil production in pipeline impasse

Landlocked South Sudan has ordered oil production shut down, at an impasse in talks with Khatroum over terms for use of the pipeline linking the two countries. South Sudan accuses Khartoum of stealing $815 million worth of oil.


Occupy Nigeria scores victory against fuel hikes

After a week of “Occupation” protests paralyzed the country’s cities, Nigeria’s government slashed fuel prices. But protest leaders demand prices be restored to the level before President Goodluck Jonathan dropped subsidies.


China to establish Seychelles naval base?

Media accounts widely differ on an offer apparently being extended by Seychelles for naval forces of the People’s Republic of China to have access to the African island nation to police the region against pirates operating out of Somalia.


Congo: mineral struggle behind electoral dispute

Tutsi rebels who control army units in Congo’s east may take up arms again if Joseph Kabila does not prevail in the contested presidential elections. Corporate designs on eastern Congo’s vast mineral resources continue to fuel the conflict.


HRW charges abuses in China’s Zambian mines

China’s embassy in Zambia denied charges in a new Human Rights Watch report of oppressive health and safety conditions and anti-uinion practices at Chinese-owned copper mines in the southern African country.