Crimean Tatars at issue in Ukraine crisis

…from the Republic of Tatarstan were reportedly abducted and severely beaten in Kiev on Jan. 31 Reporter Nikita Perfilyev of the KazanFirst online news portal and his cameraman, Anton Zakharov,…

Arab-Berber unity in Morocco protests

…which prompted a constitutional reform and greater cultural rights for the Berber people. (Irish Times, June 12; Middle East Online, Middle East Eye, June 11) Videos of the new protests…

Big Brother goes corporate

…gotten into customer accounts online, tricked phone companies into revealing information and even acknowledged that their practices violate laws, according to documents gathered by congressional investigators and provided to The…

Trump lays claim to Syrian oil

…it online, according to Amnesty International. (AI, Oct. 31) Meanwhile, Kurdish cliams of official Turkish collaboration with ISIS are given greater weight by a new report from the Netherlands’ General…