CounterVortex needs your support! This is the first time we have asked our readers for money in a year, and three of you have responded for a total of $55—just over one-tenth of the way to our modest goal of $500. We think we have more than three readers. And $500 is just a quarter of our annual operating costs. Last year, we were able to raise $500, and we are depending on you again. As most of the American left succumbs to abject glorification of reactionary dictators, we think it is more vital than ever to keep alive an intransigently dissident voice that still has fundamental anti-fascist principles intact—CounterVortex. If you don't think the pro-dictatorship position has become hegemonic on the "left," the latest example comes from the holiday statement just issued by Veterans for Peace (sic!), hailing the genocidal regime of Bashar Assad as the "secular, multi-religious Syrian state." Somebody needs to forthrightly repudiate this repugnant jive, and that responsibility falls to us. We are also the only website on the American left that provides ongoing, serious coverage of under-reported or downright forgotten wars in places like Chechnya, Mali, the Philippines and Colombia. Please give what you can to sustain our efforts.
Note: There is a small handful of you readers who support us every time we ask for money. We emphasize that this pitch is not aimed at you. You have more than done your part. The big majority of our readers (based on Google stats and the number on our e-list) have never supported us at all. It is time for you to step up to the plate. You know who you are.
And we would rather get $10 donations from 50 readers than $100 donations from five readers—knowing we have a following is more important to us than deep pockets. So please… just make a $10 donation. That's the rough equivalent of two round-trip New York City subway rides. Just do it. Thank you.
Click here, or use the PayPal button:
Or send checks to:
39 Bowery PMB#940
New York, NY 10002
Checks should be payable to CounterVortex.
Thank you!
Note: If you wish to be added to our weekly headlines list, please click here.
We never share addresses with anyobody else, and we never send more than one mailing per week. Just one e-mail with all the week's linked headlines from CounterVortex.
CounterVortex year-end fund-drive hits $180!
Thanks to donations from readers in Los Angeles, Brooklyn and Austerlitz, NY, our year-end fund-drive tally has jumped by $125 and now stands at $180. Just another $320 to our modest goal of $500. Help us out!
You can become a monthly subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here:
CounterVortex year-end fund-drive hits $200!
Thanks to a $20 donation from a reader in Brooklyn, NY, our year-end fund-drive tally has now reached $200. Just another $300 to our modest goal of $500. Help us out!
You can become a monthly subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here:
CounterVortex year-end fund-drive tops $220!
Thanks to a $22 donation from a reader in Albuquerque, NM, our year-end fund-drive tally has now reached $222. Just another $278 to our modest goal of $500. Help us out!
You can become a monthly subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here:
CounterVortex year-end fund-drive hits $300!
Thanks to a $78 donation from a reader in Oakland, Calif., our year-end fund-drive tally has now reached $300. Just another $200 to our modest goal of $500. Help us out!
You can become a monthly subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here:
CounterVortex year-end fund-drive tops $300!
Thanks to a $10 monthly subscription payment from our reader in Austerlitz, NY., our year-end fund-drive tally has now reached $310. Just another $190 to our modest goal of $500. Help us out!
You can become a monthly subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here:
CounterVortex year-end fund-drive hits $360!
Thanks to a $50 donation from the Marxist-Humanist Initiative in New York City, our year-end fund-drive tally has now reached $360. Just another $140 to our modest goal of $500. Help us out!
You can become a monthly subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here:
CounterVortex year-end fund-drive hits $374!
Thanks to a $14 pay-out from our Patreon account, our year-end fund-drive tally has now reached $374. Just another $126 to our modest goal of $500. Help us out!
You can become a Patreon subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here:
Please support CounterVortex!
CounterVortex needs your support! After getting off to a great start, our winter fund-drive has stalled for the past week at $374. That's just another $126 to our modest goal of $500—a quarter of our annual operating costs. Tell you what. If five of you each make a donation of $25, we'll eat the dollar and call it a day. Go on, then. You can use the Paypal button, or send us a check. As Jerry Rubin succinctly put it: Do it!
You can become a monthly subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here:
Please support CounterVortex!
CounterVortex needs your support! After getting off to a great start, our winter fund-drive has stalled for the past two weeks at $374. That's just another $126 to our modest goal of $500—a quarter of our annual operating costs. Tell you what. If five of you each make a donation of $25, we'll eat the dollar and call it a day. Go on, then. You can use the Paypal button, or send us a check. As Jerry Rubin succinctly put it: Do it!
You can become a monthly subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here:
CounterVortex winter fund-drive hits $424!
Thanks to a $50 donation from a reader in New York City, our year-end fund-drive tally has now reached $424. Just another $76 to our modest goal of $500. Help us out!
You can become a Patreon subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here:
Please support CounterVortex!
Our winter fund-drive tally now stands $424. Just another $76 to our modest goal of $500. Help us out! Tell you what. If three of you each make a donation of $25, we'll eat the dollar and call it a day. Go on, then. You can use the Paypal button, or send us a check. As Jerry Rubin succinctly put it: Do it!
You can become a Patreon subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here:
Warlock Asylum names Bill Weinberg ‘News Journalist of the Year’
It is starting to feel like an annual ritual, but Warlock Asylum International News has once again named Yours Truly "News Journalist of the Year." Perhaps taking note of my work in The Villager, they write: "On the streets of New York City, Bill Weinberg ranks as one of the last missionaries possessed with the spirit of the old East Village." They add: "His commitment to political awareness is unprecedented."
Well, we don't know about unprecedented, but we'd like think it is exemplary. If you agree with Warlock Asylum, please show us some love…. Small donations ENCOURAGED.
Another ringing endorsement
Our reader and sometime collaborator John Veit responds on Facebook to Yours Tuly being named "News Journalist of the Year" by Warlock Asylum International News…
If you agree with Jon Veit, please show us some love…. Small donations ENCOURAGED.
CounterVortex winter fund-drive hits $434!
Thanks to a $10 monthly subscription payment from our reader in Austerlitz, NY, our winter fund-drive tally now stands $434. Just another $66 to our modest goal of $500. Help us out!
You can become a monthly subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here:
CounterVortex winter fund-drive hits $467!
Thanks to a $33 pay-out from our Patreon account, our winter fund-drive tally now stands at $467. So just another $33 to our modest goal of $500. Help us out!
You can become a Patreon subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here:
Winter fund-drive completed!
Thanks to a $10 monthly subscription payment from our reader in Austerlitz, NY, our winter fund-drive tally now stands at $507! So we have reached our modest goal of $500. Put we still need your support!
You can become a Patreon subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here: