UK offers new ‘detention facility’ to Diego Garcia detainees

Diego Garcia

With conditions among the asylum seekers on Diego Garcia growing dire and the island set to be ceded to Mauritius, the UK is under pressure to relocate the 56 Sri Lankan asylum seekers stranded there, plus eight receiving medical treatment in Rwanda. On Oct. 8, the UK offered to transfer 36 of them to a UN-run transit center in Timișoara, Romania. After six months there, if they do not accept repatriation or re-settlement in another country, they will be accepted to the UK. The offer reverses years of insistence by UK officials that none of them would be brought to the UK. However, lawyers are trying to have the group brought to the UK directly, arguing that they will end up there anyway, and forcing them to spend six months in a Romanian “detention facility” with barred windows would “cause them to suffer further avoidable harm.” One British official said the reason for the six-month detour was to ensure that coming to Diego Garcia does not “provide a direct route to the UK.” The lawyers say the transfer of sovereignty to Mauritius negates that concern. The Romania plan has also upset the 28 men who did not receive the offer and have been told they will stay on the island indefinitely if they do not accept repatriation. At least two staged a hunger strike after they heard the news, according to one of the asylum seekers in Rwanda.

From The New Humanitarian, Oct. 11

Note: While the Chagos Islands as a whole are to be ceded to Mauritius, the UK will be “authorised to exercise the sovereign rights of Mauritius” on the central island of Diego Garcia for at east 100 years.

Photo via TNH