CounterVortex will be on hiatus through mid-December, as your editor Bill Weinberg will be traveling in Italy, networking with squatters and migrant rights activists. He may post some material from the road. But we will resume regular updates to the Daily Report and our weekly headline e-mails upon his return. This, of course, is contingent upon Verizon actually making net access available—sporadic outages have considerably slowed our work over the past two weeks. Help CounterVortex win its fight against Verizon, and make them provide the services they are required to supply under New York state law. For further details, listen to our latest podcast. Your continued support is more urgent than ever. Please give what you can to sustain our efforts. No donation is too small. (Hell, five bucks is a cup of coffee in New York City. It's also about 5% of our annual operating costs. Every little bit helps.)
Or send checks to:
39 Bowery PMB#940
New York, NY 10002
Checks should be payable to CounterVortex.
Thank you!
Note: If you wish to be added to our weekly headlines list, please click here.
We never share addresses with anyobody else, and we never send more than one mailing per week. Just one e-mail with all the week's linked headlines from CounterVortex.
Photo: IBEW
Reasons to support CounterVortex
CounterVortex is the only website on the contemporary American left that:
1.) offers daily rigorous coverage on under-reported wars around the world
2.) offers ongoing in-depth coverage of land and autonomy struggles worldwide
3.) offers a dissident "neither/nor" perspective on the Global War on Terrorism, supporting the secular-left forces in the Middle East in repudiation of the imperialists, dictators and jihadis alike.
Even if you don't agree with us all the time, we hope you recognize the value of our work and ultra-dissident voice, and will do your small part to help keep it alive.
Remember: We are 100% reader-supported!
Thank you!
CounterVortex reader testimonials
What readers are saying are saying about CounterVortex (and its daily news digest World War 4 Report, ongoing since the immediate aftermath of 9-11):
CounterVortex year-end fund-drive off to a start
Thanks to a donation from a reader in Los Angeles, our year-end fund drive is off to a start. He gave $25. If just 20 readers each gave that much, we could meet our goal of $500—which is just a quarter of our annual operating costs. Are there just 19 more people out there who have $25 to spare and get what we do?
Thank you!
CounterVortex year-end fund-drive tops $30!
Thanks to a $10 monthly subscription payment from our reader in Austerlitz, NY, our year-end fund-drive tally now stands at $35. Just another $15 and we will be halfway to our first $100, and one-tenth of the way to our modest goal of $500. Help us out!
You can become a monthly subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here:
CounterVortex year-end fund-drive tops $50!
Thanks to a $20 donation from a reader in Lower Manhattan, our year-end fund-drive tally now stands at $55. Just another $45 and we will be at our first $100, and one-fifth of the way to our modest goal of $500. Help us out!
You can become a monthly subscriber here.
Or make a single donation here: