CounterVortex meta-podcast: Against exterminism


In Episode Three of theĀ CounterVortex podcast,Ā Bill WeinbergĀ expounds on the concept of the countervortex. Making note of theĀ Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists‘ decision to advanceĀ the minute hand of its Doomsday Clock to two minutes of midnight, heĀ discusses the current global dilemma in light of EP Thompson‘s 1980 essay Notes on Exterminism, the Last Stage of Civilization, and Rosa Luxemburg‘s positing of humanity’s imminent future as either “socialism or barbarism.” What are the prospects forĀ resisting the global vortex of ecological collapse, totalitarianism and permanent war in the age of Trump and Putin? This is a question that goes beyond the personalities involved, and requires a profound critique of the underlying political economy that elevates such pathological personalities to the highest levels of power.Ā You can listen on SoundCloud, and support our ongoing podcastĀ via Patreon.

Music: The Fugs, “Four Minutes to Twelve

Production by Chris & William Rywalt

We are asking listeners to donate $1 per episode via Patreon.
A total of $25 per episode would cover our costs for engineering and producing.

New episodes will be produced every two weeks.

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