In a national broadcast June 27, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe called for a referendum on holding a new presidential election after the country’s Supreme Court of Justice called for a review of the constitutional change that allowed him to run for a second term in 2006. Uribe said Congress should quickly pass legislation he will submit to approve the referendum, but didn’t say whether the election would be for a new full four-year term or to legitimize his remaining two years.
The move opens Uribe to further accusations that he is seeking to extend his stay in office beyond 2010, when his term expires. His supporters are already calling for a new constitutional amendment allowing him to run for a third term.
The court made the decision after the conviction of Yidis Medina, a former lower-house legislator who confessed she was bribed by the government with promises of jobs for her supporters in exchange for her vote for the constitutional change allowing Uribe’s second term. Sentenced to 47 months house arrest, she was transfered to prison following the Supreme Court decision.
Uribe, who won the 2006 election with 62% of the vote, blasted the ruling. “This high court’s justices have lent themselves to a power [struggle] which seems not to have a legal solution,” he said in his televised address.
The votes of two legislators, Medina and Teodolindo Avendano—also arrested over the bribery charges—helped push the election bill through in November 2004. Medina said that Uribe was aware of the bribes, though the president and his ministers have denied any wrongdoing. The scandal comes on top of investigations linking some of Uribe’s closest congressional allies to the illegal right-wing paramilitaries.
Carlos Gaviria, Uribe’s left-wing challenger in the 2006 race, told the New York Times, “President Uribe is inaugurating a regime that could be called a populist dictatorship.” But the Times emphasized that opinion polls place Uribe’s popularity at 80%. (AlJazeera, Bloomberg, NYT, Colprensa, June 28)
See our last posts on Colombia and the parapolítica scandal.
Colombian supreme court linked to narcos?
The Colombian government struck back at the Supreme Court June 27, accusing it of ties to drug traffickers.
Colombia’s High Commissioner of Peace, Luis Carlos Restrepo, asked the congressional lower house’s Accusation Commission to investigate ties between judges of the court and Italian drug trafficker, Giorgio Sale.
Restrepo also wants to know why the Court hasn’t yet responded to extradited paramilitary chief Salvatore Mancuso’s claims that the Court, among other branches of the justice system, was infiltrated by the AUC paramilitary network.
Earlier, Minister of Social Protection Diego Palacio said he had filed charges against the Court, although he declined to say exactly what they are. Palacio is himself charged with the bribery of Yidis Medina. Palacio says the Court refused to hear his testimony about the alleged bribery and accuses the Court of being biased. (Colombia Reports, June 28)
How can you write that President Uribe Consolidate Dictatorship. I got elected by a large majority and more than 84% of Columbian supporting him. Most of Columbians want him to be reelected and he will win really easily the next ballot. Democracy is not the voice of majority? Totally stupid your article.
Most Colombians…
…know how to spell the name of their country correctly.