Bill Weinberg rants against the conspiranoid notion that the US intentionally created ISIS, dismissed as a "fairy tale" by secular and progressive supporters of the Syrian Revolution. He instead examines the actual political context for the emergence of ISIS, and argues for solidarity with the pro-democratic forces on the ground in Syria that are actually fighting the "Islamic State"—especially the Rojava Kurds. This YouTube video is a second entry in the rebooted version of the Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade vlog. We again ask viewers to please forgive the imperfections (e.g. the low volume on vocal track), we are still working out the bugs! Watch this website for the next episode, coming soon…
The websites listed at the end for more information are Syira Freedom Forever, Adopt A Revolution, Citizens for Syria, Syria Deeply and Rojava Solidarity NYC.
See the last episode of the Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade…
Thanks to Rhay Lo for production.