New York City

9-11 at fourteen: spectacle commodified

9-11 still provides an occasion for jingoism and war propaganda. But the day's commodification and transformation into an empty spectacle is now even more disturbing.

Greater Middle East

ISIS seizes last oil-field from Assad regime

ISIS fighters seized the last oil-field still under the control of the Assad regime after several days of fighting. The Jazal field has a production capacity of 2,500 barrels per day.

Greater Middle East

Turkey: state terror in ‘anti-terrorist’ guise

The Turkish state is lining up international support for its "anti-terrorist" campaign against the PKK—as it carries out air-strikes and harsh repression on Kurdish villages.

East Asia

Tiananmen spectacle, historical revisionism

The massive spectacle in Beijing commemorating China's victory in the Sino-Japanese War was preceded by arrests of activists pushing a dissident version of the conflict's history.


Hungary to Syrian refugees: Stay out!

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban, building a wall along the Serbian border and herding migrants into detainment camps, warned Syrian refugees to stay in Turkey.


Iraq: Kakai militia prepares to fight ISIS

The Kakai religious minority, targeted for extermination by ISIS, has formed a battalion to defend their villages on the frontline in northern Iraq—and are desperately in need of guns.


Russia launches Syria intervention

Russian fighter pilots are arriving in Syria, to begin sorties against ISIS and rebel forces—amid reports that Moscow's elite units are already fighting on the ground for the regime.

World War 4 Report ditches Google Ads!

We finally took the plunge and removed Google Ads from our website. We are now 100% reader-supported. Please do your part to keep our ultra-dissident voice alive!

Greater Middle East

Turkey: Kurds mount resistance to war drive

In response to the new offensive by the Turkish government, Kurds in the country's east are declaring their own regional autonomy and throwing up roadblocks.