Watching the Shadows

Kangaroo court at Gitmo

While mainstream accounts emphasize the defendants’ refusal to respect the court, the ACLU points out that the Gitmo tribunal for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-defendants falls short of international standards for justice.

Watching the Shadows

Uighur Gitmo detainees released to El Salvador

In the first transfers from Guantánamo Bay this year, the Pentagon announced that two Uighur detainees will be released to El Salvador—over the protests of China. With these transfers, 169 detainees will remain at the facility.

Watching the Shadows

Anti-Obama conspiracies seen in oil price spike

Just as the presidential horserace starts to gain velocity, so do oil prices. Are the Koch brothers manipulating prices to undermine Obama in November? Their recent dabblings in “contango” oil market speculations indicate this may be the case…

Watching the Shadows

Drones cleared to patrol US cities; avatar robots not far behind

President Obama signs a bill requiring the FAA to permit the use of domestic drones, both for commercial purposes and police surveillance. Meanwhile, the Pentagon’s DARPA announces it is developing robot “avatars” for battlefield use…

Watching the Shadows

Italy: appeals court orders release of ex-Gitmo detainee

The Court of Appeals in Milan overturned a lower court’s conviction of Tunisian former Guantánamo Bay detainee Mohamed Riadh Ben Nasri on charges of “terrorist association.” His lawyer argued the conviction was based on statement made under torture.