Greater Middle East

ISIS seizes last oil-field from Assad regime

ISIS fighters seized the last oil-field still under the control of the Assad regime after several days of fighting. The Jazal field has a production capacity of 2,500 barrels per day.

Greater Middle East

Turkey: state terror in ‘anti-terrorist’ guise

The Turkish state is lining up international support for its "anti-terrorist" campaign against the PKK—as it carries out air-strikes and harsh repression on Kurdish villages.


Hungary to Syrian refugees: Stay out!

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban, building a wall along the Serbian border and herding migrants into detainment camps, warned Syrian refugees to stay in Turkey.


Russia launches Syria intervention

Russian fighter pilots are arriving in Syria, to begin sorties against ISIS and rebel forces—amid reports that Moscow's elite units are already fighting on the ground for the regime.

Greater Middle East

Turkey: Kurds mount resistance to war drive

In response to the new offensive by the Turkish government, Kurds in the country's east are declaring their own regional autonomy and throwing up roadblocks.

Greater Middle East

Erdogan-ISIS pincer against Kurds

The Turkish army is shelling and burning Kurdish villages in the country's east, while just across the Syrian border ISIS continues to harass Kurdish towns with suicide attacks.


Control of water behind Iran nuke deal?

Following years of drought, Iran has quietly sought help from the US in managing a severe water crisis during the same period that US-Iran nuclear talks were underway.

Greater Middle East

Turkey slips toward internal war

As Turkey continues to bomb Kurdish anti-ISIS fighters in Iraq, violence is quickly spreading within Turkey itself—with bombings and armed clashes from Istanbul to the Kurdish east.


Turkey continues to bomb anti-ISIS forces

The US and Turkey have reached an agreement to keep Kurdish forces out of the northern Syria "buffer zone" as Ankara expands its air-strikes in both Syria and Iraq.