Give the Nobel Peace Prize to Malala Yousafzai!
The European Union is singularly undeserving of the Nobel Peace Prize. A global call must be raised for this year’s prize to be transferred to the truly heroic Malala Yousafzai.
The European Union is singularly undeserving of the Nobel Peace Prize. A global call must be raised for this year’s prize to be transferred to the truly heroic Malala Yousafzai.
Gunmen killed 22 in an attack on a mosque in Nigeria, while Muslim youth attacked churches in Dar es Salaam following reports of a Christian youth desecrating a Koran.
Human Rights Watch called on Tunisian authorities to investigate a series of attacks by religious extremists over the past 10 months and bring those responsible to justice.
Malala Yousafzai is hailed as a symbol of courage by progressives and secularists in Pakistan, but the American left has been shamefully silent—or else portraying her as a neocon pawn.
A blogger in Aleppo notes the growing presence of al-Qaeda militants in the insurgent forces, and writes that the Free Syrian Army must purge them or forfeit support from abroad.
Buddhists in Burma and Sri Lanka held anti-Muslim protests after Muslim rioters in Bangladesh torched Buddhist temples in response to a Facebook post denigrating the Koran.
The jihad against a non-existent “film” produced by non-existent “Jews” continues to claim lives, with the latest attack launched by militants in Egypt’s Sinai on Israeli border troops.
Both imperialism and political Islam see in the current crisis the opportunity to revive the dystopian dialectic of jihad-versus-GWOT—and reverse the gains of the Arab Spring.
In the wave of protest over a provocateur-produced "film" dissing the Prophet Mohammed, jihadists could be seizing back the initiative from secular revolutionaries in the Arab world.
The eleventh 9-11 anniversary saw riots in Libya and Egypt over an Islamophobic film produced by an Israeli-American real-estate developer.
"Leftists" in the West are waxing paranoid about how the Syrian revolutionaries are a bunch of jihadists. But if the West intervenes in Mali, they will likely be rooting for jihadists—again.