
Will ‘peace’ mean betrayal of Afghan women?

The Taliban have opened a "political office" in Qatar preparatory to talks with Kabul and the US—after years of propaganda about the US defending women's rights in Afghanistan.

Greater Middle East

Egypt court convicts 43 in NGO crackdown

An Egyptian court convicted 43 foreign and domestic non-governmental organization employees of engaging political activity without proper documentation.

Greater Middle East

Lebanon’s hashish valley drawn into Syrian war

Lebanon’s hashish heartland of the Bekaa Valley is increasingly embroiled in the civil war raging across the border in Syria, with a wave of sectarian clashes and abductions.

Greater Middle East

Next: Turkish spring?

Istanbul police raided a protest camp in Taksim Gezi Park, slated to be bulldozed for a new shopping mall. Demonstrations continue, and have spread to Ankara.

Greater Middle East

‘Sunni cleansing’ in Syria?

Turkey sees in the battle for Qusayr a strategy to create an Alawite mini-state within Syria, purged of Sunni Muslims, to which the ruling elite can withdraw for a last stand. 


The London attack: context vs. apologia —again

Reactions to the jihadist slaying of a British solider in London are polarized along predictable lines—emphasizing either the context of imperial wars or the threat of political Islam.


Ba’ath-Sufi convergence in Iraq insurgency?

The most senior member of Saddam Hussein’s inner circle still on the run, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, is said to be leading a band of insurgents from the Naqshbandi Sufi order.

North America

Glenn Greenwald full of beans on Boston

Glenn Greenwald called out the New York Times for putting the word "terrorism" in "scare quotes" after a Damascus blast—but does exactly that regarding the Boston blasts!

South Asia

Workers’ uprising in Bangladesh

Garment workers in Bangladesh walked off the job, blocked roads, attacked factories and smashed vehicles, paralyzing at least three industrial areas outside Dhaka.


Syria: Nusra Front merge with Iraq Qaeda wing

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, “emir” of al-Qaeda in Iraq, announced a merger with Syria’s Nusra Front to form a new organization, the “Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham.”

North Africa

Whither the ‘Topless Jihad’?

Rival online campaigns are waged by the "Topless Jihad" and Muslim Women Against Femen. Is the Topless Jihad a defense of women's freedom, or imperialist propaganda?