
Demand war crimes trial for ISIS leaders

Human Rights Watch called on the Iraqi and Kurdish Regional Government authorities to prosecute ISIS fighters for war crimes against the Yazidi minority.

North Africa

ISIS complains about jihadist rivals in Libya

The latest edition of the English-language ISIS magazine Dabiq includes a tirade against Qaeda-aligned forces in Libya, amid an internecine war of jihadist factions.

North Africa

Mauritania pressed on anti-slavery law

UN rights experts pressed Mauritania to fully implement its new, toughened anti-slavery law—passed just as a court upheld a two-year prison term for an anti-slavery activist.


PKK-aligned Yazidi militia battles ISIS

Young Yazidis—including women—are returning to Iraq's Mount Sinjar from which they were "cleansed" by ISIS last year, fighting to reclaim their homeland from the jihadists.