Indigenous climate summit meets in Alaska
At the first global gathering of indigenous peoples on climate change, delegates meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, demanded an immediate moratorium on new fossil fuel development.
At the first global gathering of indigenous peoples on climate change, delegates meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, demanded an immediate moratorium on new fossil fuel development.
Greenhouse gases contribute to air pollution that may endanger public health or welfare, the Environmental Protection Agency finds in a scientific review ordered in 2007 by the Supreme Court.
A three judge panel of the DC Circuit vacated the Bush-era program for leasing of land for oil and gas drilling on the US Outer Continental Shelf along the Alaskan coast.
Last year it was the oil shock. This year it’s the econo-cataclysm. Either way, there’s a lesson here. But how many people are going to get it? From AP, April 6: WASHINGTON — U.S. highway deaths in 2008 fell to… Read moreHghway deaths down to 1960s levels
On the 20th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, the federal and Alaska state governments have yet to collect the $92 million that the oil company agreed to pay.
Environmental groups in New York state are protesting Gov. David Paterson’s promise to power producers to rewrite the state’s role in nation’s first plan to cut greenhouse pollution.
Five people were arrested March 5 as they blocked an access road to protest blasting near a dam on the Edwight “mountaintop removal” coal mining site operated by Massey Energy in West Virginia. It was the latest in a wave… Read moreArrests in West Virginia coal mining protest
Russia and Denmark met in Moscow to discuss rival claims to Arctic waters opened by the shrinking of the ice cap—with a estimated 13% of the world’s undiscovered oil and 30% of undiscovered gas.
James McCarthy, head of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), speaking on the eve of the group’s annual meeting in Chicago, warned that Barack Obama has just four years to save the planet. “We have a moment… Read moreObama has four years to save planet: leading scientist
The US North Pacific Fishery Management Council voted to close waters off northern Alaska opened up by the break-up of the Arctic ice pack to commercial fishing pending further studies.
Scientists warn that climate change may make events like the devastating Australia bush fires more likely. The Victoria fires have left 200 dead, 7,000 displaced, and destroyed 900 homes.
President Barack Obama Jan. 26 directed the Environmental Protection Agency to reconsider the Bush administration decision that prevented California and 17 other states from setting their own, stricter limits on auto emissions. Obama also directed his administration to move forward… Read moreObama directs EPA to reconsider Bush auto emission policy