Planet Watch

Our readers write: Whither World War 4 Report?

Three months ago we polled our readers on whether World War 4 Report should continue publication, and what we can do to broaden our audience. We received the following responses…

Planet Watch

Biofuels: not so groovy after all

The scientific community finally acknowledges that “biofuels” fuel deforestation—and thereby result in a net increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

Planet Watch

G8 climate goals too little, too late: scientists

Climatologists blasted the G8 resolution that global temperature should rise no more than 2°C by 2050 as “cavalier” acceptance of an increase that could still “challenge civilized society.”

Planet Watch

FAO: financial crisis deepens global hunger

The global financial crisis has pushed the ranks of the hungry to a record 1 billion people, a milestone that poses a threat to peace and security, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization said.

Planet Watch

Non-motorists bear brunt of traffic fatalities

A WHO study finds that non-motorists disproportionately bear the brunt of traffic fatalities. Car accidents are the world’s 10th leading cause of death, on track to become fifth by 2030.

Planet Watch

Big powers to boycott UN econo-confab

Many developed nations will boycott a UN conference on the financial crisis, objecting to efforts by General Assembly president Miguel d’Escoto to discuss reforming the World Bank and IMF.

Planet Watch

Obama denies White House to run GM

“What we are not doing—what I have no interest in doing—is running GM,” President Obama assured upon announcing the government’s large ownership stake in the reorganized General Motors.

Planet Watch

Dems, Reps divided on climate pseudo-solutions

With a climate bill now being crafted on Capitol Hill, Democrats are supporting a measure that would instate a carbon-trading system—while Republicans favor subsidies for nuclear power.