Planet Watch

Fukushima on the Missouri?

We sure hope not, but this isn’t looking too good. From AP, June 26: BROWNVILLE, Neb. — A berm holding the flooded Missouri River back from a Nebraska nuclear power station collapsed early Sunday, but federal regulators said they were… Read moreFukushima on the Missouri?

Planet Watch

“Global weirding” seen in extreme weather events

Extreme weather events, such as the flooding now devastating much of the South, are likely to increase in the future due to biospheric imbalance that once scientist terms “global weirding.”

Planet Watch

Obama to open Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve

Barack Obama announced that he is ordering the Interior Department to conduct annual lease sales in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve—as the oil industry gears up for a new thrust of expansion in the Last Frontier.

Planet Watch

Still no 50 million climate refugees, skeptics gloat

Right-wing websites are jumping on a 2005 UN report predicting that climate change would create 50 million refugees by 2010—and gloating that it hasn’t come to pass. But maybe we are closer to the 50 million than they think.

Planet Watch

Supreme Court hears arguments in global warming case

The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in American Electric Power Co. v. Connecticut regarding whether electric utilities contributed to global warming. The Obama administration has sided with the power companies.

Planet Watch

Radiation exposure debate rages inside EPA

A plan awaiting approval by the US Environmental Protection Agency would dramatically increase permissible radioactive releases in drinking water, food and soil after “radiological incidents.”