Planet Watch

Cornhuskers pack Keystone XL hearing

At the small town of Albion, hundreds of angry Nebraskans packed the state’s only environmental review hearing for the pending Keystone XL Pipeline.

Planet Watch

Quebec fracking ban challenged under NAFTA

Energy firm Lone Pine Resources is challenging Quebec’s fracking moratorium under the North American Free Trade Agreement, and demanding $250 million in compensation.

Planet Watch

Sandy and climate change: media hot air

Media bloviators argue about whether superstorm Sandy was "caused by" climate change, oblivious to the obvious reality: such extreme weather events are climate change!

Planet Watch

Arctic sea ice cover hits record low

Arctic sea ice cover this month fell to the lowest summer minimum extent since satellite records began in 1979, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC).

Planet Watch

Keystone vs Enbridge: race or stratagem?

As work commences on TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline, it emerges that  TransCanada’s supposed rival Enbridge is quietly but rapidly expanding its own US pipeline network.

Planet Watch

Chevron fire: how many more?

From Richmond, Calif., to the Gulf Coast, to the Niger Delta to the Ecuadoran Amazon—how many more disasters until a public seizure of the oil industry is finally at least broached?

Planet Watch

International mining protests: ecologists versus workers?

Ecologists held direct actions against Scottish Coal’s Mainshill Open Cast Coal Site and BHP Billiton’s Olympic Dam uranium mine in South Australia—as miners from Asturias marched on Madrid against planned mine closures.