Doomsday Clock: three minutes of midnight
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has set the hands of its iconic Doomsday Clock at three minutes to midnight—two minutes closer than in 2014.
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has set the hands of its iconic Doomsday Clock at three minutes to midnight—two minutes closer than in 2014.
Obama's five-year plan for offshore drilling opens up the Southeast coast and grandfathers Arctic leases—but the industry is still griping because it would keep ANWR off limits.
War across large swaths of the Middle East and Africa in the first six months of 2014 forcibly displaced some 5.5 million people, signalling yet another record, the UN reports.
Experts tell us the North American shale oil boom is responsible for low prices despite Middle East unrest. But the price slump serves Western aims of weakening Russia and Iran.
Lawmakers have slipped a provision into the new National Defense Authorization Act that would allow a massive copper mine on public lands that are sacred to the Apache.
First nations across British Columbia are celebrating a unanimous ruling by Canada's Supreme Court that recognizes aboriginal title to traditional territories outside reserves.
The EPA's Clean Power Plan, bashed by the GOP and industry as draconian, would cut carbon emissions by a grossly insufficient 7% by 2030—and of course through market mechanisms.
The Lubicon Lake Nation of Cree in Alberta, Canada, is appealing a court order prohibiting the indigenous community from blockading gas operations on unceded territory.
Climate-change denialists are gloating at the "Polar Vortex"—failing to understand that it was unleashed by destabilization of the Jet Stream due to loss of arctic ice cover.
The Keystone XL pipeline from Canada's oilfields to Texas is now matched by alternate routes to British Columbia and the Maritimes—all meeting opposition from Native peoples.
From the San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 8: Man who sought safe streets killed in S.F. crash A wheelchair-using San Francisco man who fought for safe streets for the disabled is being mourned this week by friends and family after he… Read moreWHY WE FIGHT
RCMP troops used tear-gas and rubber bullets to break up an anti-fracking protest roadblock by the Elsipogtog Mi’kmaq First Nation.