The Andes

Colombia: para terror despite FARC ceasefire

Five campesino leaders were assassinated by presumed paramilitary hitmen on the same day that the Colombian government's official ceasefire with the FARC took effect.

The Andes

Colombia: terror targets indigenous leaders

A total of 18 indigenous campesinos in Colombia's Cauca region have been killed this year, in a paramilitary campaign of intimidation against land recovery efforts.

The Andes

FARC threatens to disavow renegade units

A threat to the Colombian peace talks emerged as some FARC units unilaterally attacked government forces and declared their non-compliance with the ceasefire.

The Andes

Colombia: cocaine mega-busts keep coming

Amid moves toward peace in Colombia, the goad of the war—the country's lucrative cocaine trade—clearly remains robust, as record-breaking hauls are reported.


Fears for Fallujah ‘disappeared’

Shi'ite militiamen who fought alongside the Iraqi army in the battle for Fallujah are believed to have seized some 900 civilian men and boys and killed nearly 50.