Syria: aerial terror continues despite ‘ceasefire’
Days after the supposed Syria "ceasefire" took effect, Assad regime and Russian warplanes carried out multiple air-strikes on rebel-held towns, leaving some 20 dead.
Days after the supposed Syria "ceasefire" took effect, Assad regime and Russian warplanes carried out multiple air-strikes on rebel-held towns, leaving some 20 dead.
Coca-Cola is one of more than 50 companies to be charged with financing the now-disbanded Colombian paramilitary network AUC, a designated terrorist organization.
Five campesino leaders were assassinated by presumed paramilitary hitmen on the same day that the Colombian government's official ceasefire with the FARC took effect.
A court in the Argentine province of Córdoba handed life sentences to 28 former military officers over "crimes against humanity" committed under the dictatorship.
Outlaw mining operations are a growing sideline for Colombia's narco networks, in a nexus with paramilitaries and companies operating on the margins of the law.
A total of 18 indigenous campesinos in Colombia's Cauca region have been killed this year, in a paramilitary campaign of intimidation against land recovery efforts.
Human Rights Watch urged Iraqi military commanders to prevent abusive sectarian militias from participating in the campaign to retake the city of Mosul from ISIS.
A threat to the Colombian peace talks emerged as some FARC units unilaterally attacked government forces and declared their non-compliance with the ceasefire.
Amid moves toward peace in Colombia, the goad of the war—the country's lucrative cocaine trade—clearly remains robust, as record-breaking hauls are reported.
Shi'ite militiamen who fought alongside the Iraqi army in the battle for Fallujah are believed to have seized some 900 civilian men and boys and killed nearly 50.
Under the plan for demobilization of Colombia's FARC guerillas, special zones are to be established for fighters to "concentrate" and then be integrated into civilian life.
Colombia’s constitutional court overturned a 2012 government decree that allowed mining in nine areas of the country, together making up 20% of the national territory.