Southeast Asia

Narco-fascism in the Philippines?

The Philippines' new ultra-hardline President Rodrigo Duterte, now favorably invoking Hitler's genocide as a model for his war on drugs, has already reached a Pinochet-level kill count.

The Andes

Bolivia tilting back to prohibitionist stance?

Bolivia broached legislation that would impose criminal penalties for illict coca cultivation—just as the government has turned to Russia for military and anti-narcotics aid.


Mexico: top Ayotzinapa investigator resigns

Tomás Zerón de Lucio, head of Mexico's Criminal Investigations Agency, turned in his resignation amid an internal inquiry into his handling of the Ayotzinapa massacre case.

The Andes

Colombia: FARC peace deal signed in Cartagena

Colombia's long civil war came to an official end as President Juan Manuel Santos met with FARC leader "Timochenko" in the Caribbean port of Cartagena to sign a formal peace pact.

Southern Cone

Deadly underside of Rio de Janeiro Olympics

With the Rio de Janeiro Olympics over, the world media are moving on—but the city's poor favela dwellers are left to contend with a wave of murderous police terror.

The Andes

Colombia: para terror despite FARC ceasefire

Five campesino leaders were assassinated by presumed paramilitary hitmen on the same day that the Colombian government's official ceasefire with the FARC took effect.

The Andes

Bogotá: controversy over urban clearance

Authorities in Bogotá began demolishing a notorious district near the city center locally known as "the Bronx"—but seemingly no plans were made for the displaced residents.