Colombia: terror continues against social leaders
Even as the FARC guerillas begin the disarmament process under Colombia's peace plan, the ongoing wave of deadly violence against social leaders remains unrelenting.
Even as the FARC guerillas begin the disarmament process under Colombia's peace plan, the ongoing wave of deadly violence against social leaders remains unrelenting.
One of the Philippines' only lawmakers openly critical of President Rodrigo Duterte's blood-drenched "war on drugs" is herself facing "politically motivated" drug charges.
The Trump administration seriously turned up the heat on Venezuela, slapping sanctions on the country's vice president Tareck Zaidan El Aissami as a drug "kingpin."
The FARC completed its "demobilization" to transition camps under protest, charging that the Colombian government is failing to restrain right-wing paramilitary groups.
Days after calling off his murderous police anti-narco units in response to international criticism, Duterte announced that he will instead send in the army.
Amid deteriorating relations between the US and Mexico, reports emerge that President Trump threatened military intervention in a phone call with his counterpart Peña Nieto.
The Philippines' ultra-hardline President Rodrigo Duterte pledged to dismantle his deadly anti-drug units after police kidnapped and killed a South Korean executive.
Trump's threat to make Mexico pay for the wall with a 20% tariff on all goods coming in from across the border portends—at least—a trade war with the third biggest US trading partner.
Argentina's new restrictive immigration policy is drawing protests from neighboring Bolivia—and accusations that President Mauricio Macri is emulating Donald Trump.
Guy Philippe, a former paramilitary boss and coup leader recently elected to Haiti’s senate, was arrested by the DEA days before he would have been sworn into office. (Map: Perry-Castañeda Map Library)
The Philippines' ultra-hardline President Rodrigo Duterte now threatens to actually impose martial law across the country if the drug problem becomes "very virulent."
A New Year's Day prison riot in Brazil's Amazon riverport city of Manaus left up to 60 dead—with many of the bodies decapitated, mutilated and burned.