The Andes

Colombia: mine opponents assassinated

Cesar García and Adelinda Gómez, two campesino leaders who opposed the operations of AngloGold Ashanti in Colombia, were assassinated just weeks apart.

The Andes

Peru: government ultimatum to illegal miners

Peru's government has issued an "ultimatum" to small-scale miners, threatening to dynamite their equipment if they do not clear out of the remote areas where they operate.

The Andes

Cajamarca: Conga occupation not moved

Campesinos in Peru’s Cajamarca region announced a new cross-country march that will bring hundreds of new protesters to the occupation camp at the Conga mine site.

The Andes

Cuzco: unrest over water mega-diversion

National Police clashed with villagers at Espinar province in Cuzco, as residents declared a "war footing" to halt construction of the Majes Siguas II irrigation mega-project.

Southeast Asia

Blood jade empire as Burma warlords diversify

Burma’s military and the rebel Kachin Independence Army vie in control for a semi-underground jade industry in the northern jungles, with the exports going to China.

The Andes

Peru: deadly attack on family of miner leader

The wife and infant son of a local leader of independent artisenal miners were assassinated in the community of Pamputa, Peru—with suspicion falling on mining giant Xstrata.

The Andes

Peru: Conga protest camp fired on

The protest camp at the Conga site was evicted by company goons, only to be re-established days later. But unknown gunmen fired on the new encampment.


Romania: protest wave against mega-mine

Thousands of Romanians have been occupying Bucharest to protest plans by Canadian firm Gabriel Resources to establish Europe's biggest open-pit gold mine at Rosia Montana.