Greater Middle East

Kurds caught in Russo-Turkish game… again

With Turkey insisting that the Syrian Kurds be barred from upcoming Geneva peace talks, Russia is pressing for their participation—while pursuing its grisly campaign of aerial terror.

Greater Middle East

Erdogan exploits Istanbul terror —of course

Prime Minister Erdogan exploited the ISIS terror attack in Istanbul for illogical propaganda against the PKK—as his military presses its bloody counterinsurgency in Turkey's east.

North Africa

Libya: ISIS attacks oil export terminals

At least two members of Libya's Petroleum Facilities Guard were killed as ISIS militants launched coordinated attacks on the Sidra and Ras Lanouf oil export terminals.

Greater Middle East

Kurds caught in Russo-Turkish game… again

Amid counterinsurgency against Kurds in Turkey, Kurdish opposition leader Selahattin Demirtaş is received in Moscow—now executing a grisly counterinsurgency in Syria.

North Africa

US Special Forces repulsed in Libya: report

Libya's rival regimes agreed to form a national unity government, but a contingent of US Special Forces sent to fight ISIS withdrew after being confronted by a local militia.

New York City

New Yorkers say yes to refugees, no to Trump

Marking International Human Rights Day, activists gathered at New York's Columbus Circle, overlooked by the Trump Hotel, for a rally in solidarity with Syrian refugees.