
Iran: “Velvet Revolutionaries” on trial

Trials have begun of 100 protesters arrested following Iran’s disputed June election. The charges against the defendants include participating in an attempted “Velvet Revolution.”


Iran executes 13 in Baluchistan

Iran executed 13 members of the Sunni militant group Jundallah in Zahedan, Sistan-Baluchistan province, accused of attacks including a mosque bombing in May that killed 25 people..


Tehran protesters defy official threats

Some 300 protesters marched on Tehran University chanting “Death to the dictator!” before being dispersed by police with tear gas. Authorities had pledged to “smash” any new demonstrations.


Iran: wave of sit-ins at universities

While the fate of dozens of detained students remains in limbo, students at universities across Iran continue daily sit-ins to protests what they are calling the “electoral coup” of June 12.