Southeast Asia

Blood jade empire as Burma warlords diversify

Burma’s military and the rebel Kachin Independence Army vie in control for a semi-underground jade industry in the northern jungles, with the exports going to China.

The Andes

Peru: deadly attack on family of miner leader

The wife and infant son of a local leader of independent artisenal miners were assassinated in the community of Pamputa, Peru—with suspicion falling on mining giant Xstrata.

Central Asia

Tibet: anti-mining protests spread

Over 100 ethnic Tibetans were injured and one man committed suicide as Chinese military forces broke up protests against diamond mining in Kham region, Qinghai province. 

Central Asia

Tibet: anti-mining protesters under siege

Ethnic Tibetans protesting what they called illegal mining operations clashed with Chinese security forces in Qinghai province, where hundreds of troops are deployed.

The Andes

Colombia: strikes halt US coal giant Drummond

Indefinite strikes brought Drummond’s coal mining operations to a halt in Colombia, putting further pressure on the country’s economy amid a growing wave of labor actions. 

Southeast Asia

Chinese mining interests take hit in Philippines

The Philippines high court issued a "temporary environment protection order" against 94 Chinese-owned "small-scale mines" operating on the margins of the law in Luzon region. 

The Andes

Peru: peasant leader killed in Cajamarca

Carlos Vásquez Becerra, a campesino leader who opposed mining projects in Peru’s conflicted Cajamarca region, was found beaten to death in a canyon.