South Asia

India: Naxalite hand in opium trade?

Authorities in India say that the Naxalite guerillas, following a series of reversals, have taken refuge in the northeast, where they are trading opium for guns from Burma.

East Asia

Shanghai workers seize electronics plant

More than 1,000 migrant workers in Shanghai went on strike and held 18 managers hostage for a day and a half following the introduction of a draconian speed-up policy.

Southeast Asia

Burma: new airstrikes on Kachin rebels

Burma's army claimed responsibility for air-strikes against Kachin rebel positions in the north—less than a day after the government denied the strikes had taken place. 

East Asia

East China Sea edging towards war…

Chinese and Japanese aircraft had a near-confrontation over the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands on the very day that China officially commemorated the 1937 Rape of Nanking.

Central Asia

China: Han-Tibetan solidarity emerging

Human rights lawyer Xu Zhiyong, who defends Chinese peasants struggling to keep their lands, proclaims his support for the Tibetans and calls for Han solidarity with their cause.

East Asia

Anti-China protests: Vietnam’s turn

Anti-China protests in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City follow a maritime confrontation between Vietnamese naval forces and a Chinese fishing fleet in the contested South China Sea.

Southeast Asia

Burma: repression of anti-mine protesters

Aung San Suu Kyi is to lead an investigation after brutal repression of protests by farmers facing forced relocation to make way for expansion of a Chinese-owned copper mine.

Planet Watch

Quebec fracking ban challenged under NAFTA

Energy firm Lone Pine Resources is challenging Quebec’s fracking moratorium under the North American Free Trade Agreement, and demanding $250 million in compensation.

East Asia

China: did new Foxconn strike happen?

Reports of new wildcat strikes involving 4,000 workers at a Foxconn plant in Henan province are denied by the company—and harsh control of information bars corroboration.