Central America

Honduras: whither amnesty?

The Honduran Congress voted to put off an amnesty for coup leaders until a new congress convenes after the president-elect Porfirio Lobo Sosa takes power later this month.

Central America

Panama: families mark 20 years since US invasion

Survivors of the 1989 US invasion of Panama marked the 20th anniversary with a protest at the old US embassy in Panama City, burning effigies of Barack Obama and Panama’s new president.

Central America

Honduras: reporter threatened over election story

Rights watchdogs warn that Swedish journalist Dick Emanuelsson is in danger following an article he wrote questioning official turnout projections in the Honduran general elections.

Central America

Honduras: reject amnesty for abuses during coup

The proposal by Porfirio Lobo, winner of Honduras’ disputed presidential election, for an “amnesty for all” involved in the coup undermines the rule of law, Human Rights Watch charges.