Watching the Shadows

Judge urges new approach in Gitmo detainee cases

A federal judge called on Congress and the president to give serious consideration to formulating a different approach for the handling of Guantánamo Bay detainee cases. 

East Asia

Edward Snowden a hit on Sina Weibo

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has been a big hit among freedom-hungry Chinese cyber-cognoscenti, placing Beijing in a bind on whether to support or betray him.

Watching the Shadows

US charges Gitmo detainee with war crimes

The Pentagon announced that military commission charges have been filed against Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi, who has been held at Guantánamo Bay since 2007.

North Africa

Niger mine attack launched from Libya: France

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said in Niger that the attackers who carried out double suicide bombings on a military camp and uranium mine likely came from Libya.

Watching the Shadows

Harrowing Gitmo memoir published

Mohamedou Ould Slahi, a Mauritanian detained at Guantánamo since August 2002, has had portions of his handwritten prison-camp memoir published in Slate magazine.

North Africa

France: next stop Libya?

France has vowed to punish those responsible for the car bomb blast at its embassy in Tripoli. Two were arrested following a lightning investigation by a French-led team.

Greater Middle East

Has Syria crossed chemical ‘red line’?

Israel's claim that Syria has used chemical weapons comes as rebel militias have assumed positions near the line of control in the Golan Heights.

The Caucasus

Chechnya war comes to Boston —or not?

Voices on the left seek to play down jihadist involvement in the Chechen struggle, while the neocon right plays it up—ironically in line with Moscow's propaganda.