Greater Middle East

Syria: jihadis target Armenians

Some 2,000 Armenians from the town of Kessab in northern Syria have taken refuge in the port city of Latakia following the occupation of their town by jihadist forces.

Greater Middle East

Lebanon, Golan Heights at stake in Syria conflict

A suicide blast hit Lebanon's Bekaa Valley after Hezbollah fighters took a Syrian border town. Meanwhile, a Syrian opposition figure broaches selling the Golan for Israeli military aid.

Greater Middle East

UK: ex-Gitmo detainee in Syria terror bust

British counter-terrorism forces arrested Moazzam Begg in his hometown of Birmingham, along with three other individuals on terrorism offenses related to the war in Syria.

Greater Middle East

Egypt: jihad against feloul?

With Field Marshal al-Sisi consolidating his rule in alliance with Mubarak-era "left-overs," a Qaedist insurgency is rapidly spreading from the Sinai to the rest of Egypt.

Greater Middle East

Syria: NATO intervention —against al-Qaeda?

A Turkish military incursion against Qaedist rebels in Syria comes amid claims that al-Qaeda affiliates have seized the country's oilfields and are planning attacks on the West.

Greater Middle East

Saudi court hands down death for 2004 bombing

A Saudi Arabian court sentenced to death a member of a militant cell in connection with a 2004 suicide attack on a western company operating in Yanbu port.


Qaedists lose ground in Syria; gain in Iraq

Syrian rebels launched an offensive against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)—just as the Qaeda-inspired army has seized the Iraqi towns of Fallujah and Ramadi.


Cameroon takes steps against Boko Haram

Authorities in Cameroon have beefed up border controls in the Far North region to guard against infiltration by Boko Haram as civilians flee the growing war in Nigeria.