Greater Middle East

Syria: Nusra Front renegades in Druze massacre

Syrian al-Qaeda affiliate Nusra Front acknowledged that its followers were responsible for a massacre at a Druze village, which was quickly condemned by other rebel factions.

Watching the Shadows

Six Gitmo detainees transferred to Oman

Six Guantánamo detainees were transferred to Oman—the first such transfers in five months. Republicans meanwhile prepare legislation to bar further transfers.

North Africa

Libya: US air-strike targets jihadist leaders

US warplanes carried out air-strikes on Ajdabiya, Libya, killing several leading members of the Ansar al-Sharia militant network which had recently proclaimed for ISIS.

Greater Middle East

US tilt to Assad undermining drive against ISIS

Syrian rebels are turning down Washington's offer of training to fight ISIS, because the State Department is imposing the stipulation that it not be used to fight Assad.

Greater Middle East

Syria: Nusra Front announces drive on Damascus

Islamist rebels led by al-Qaeda affiliate Nusra Front have seized new territory in northwestern Syria, and issued a pledge to take Damascus and topple the regime.


ISIS franchise: Nigeria to Yemen to Pakistan

Over the past two months, the ISIS international franchise has made gains from West Africa to the Indian subcontinent, with militants in several countries proclaiming for the "caliphate."

Watching the Shadows

Bin Laden aide guilty in embassy bombings

Khalid al-Fawwaz, former aide of Osama bin Laden, was found guilty  of plotting the 1998 al-Qaeda bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224 people.


Chem-armed ISIS being funded through US?

The conspirosphere is jumping on claims that a Pakistani suspect revealed that ISIS is being funded "through the US." But it's all based on anonymous sources—of course.

Greater Middle East

Yemen’s Houthi rebels: Iran’s proxies?

Claims that the Houthi uprising in Yemen is an Iranian plot ignore that the Houthis' brand of Shia is heretical to Iran's ayatollahs—and that Yemen's Shi'ites have real grievances.