
Afghanistan draw-down modeled on “Sons of Iraq” program

White House plans to draw down the 30,000 “surge” troops in Afghanistan come with a Pentagon program to expand an anti-Taliban self-defense militia force by 30,000—including former insurgents who share the Taliban ideology.


Gates admits: US in talks with Taliban

Defense Secretary Robert Gates acknowledged for the first time that the US had opened preliminary talks with members of the Taliban as part of an effort to end the war in Afghanistan.


Afghanistan: NATO raids kill civilians —again

NATO air-strikes in Helmand and Nuristan provinces left scores of civilians dead, local officials said. The outrage comes amid reports that the US has opened secret talks with the Taliban.


Afghanistan: US raid sparks local uprising

At least 11 people were killed and more than 80 injured as a protest demonstration sparked by a deadly US raid erupted into clashes with security forces in Taliqan, capital of Afghanistan’s northeast Takhar province.


Aid groups fear NATO Afghan withdrawal

Aid groups fear a power vacuum that will make their work in the country untenable after Afghan police and army troops replace foreign forces, a process slated to begin this summer and be complete in December 2014.


Afghanistan: parliament approves pipeline plan

Afghan lawmakers approved the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline, which will pass through Herat and Kandahar. Reports referenced an unnamed “American firm” that will help build the line.


Cannabis crop found at bin Laden’s compound

Rows of marijuana plants were found along with cabbages and potatoes on the border wall of the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed—while his Taliban allies stone people to death for smoking or growing.


Was Osama bin Laden sheltered by Pakistan regime?

Osama bin Laden was apparently killed in a US Special Forces raid on a mansion in Abbottabad, a military garrison town just 100 kilometers outside Pakistan’s capital Islamabad, and supposed nerve-center of the counter-insurgency.


Afghanistan: clash of fundamentalisms in round two of Koran wars

Wacky extremoid Christian fundi Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida, apparently followed through on his threat to burn a Koran on March 20. This prompted wacky extremoid Muslim fundis in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan, to storm a UN compound, killing as many as 20 employees and setting fire to several buildings.