
Did US promise Haqqani network role in Afghan government?

In a BBC interview, Siraj Haqqani denied that the Haqqani network is responsible for killing Burhanuddin Rabbani, or is receiving aid from Pakistan’s ISI—but asserted that he’s been approached by the US to join the Afghan government.


Karzai charges: Pakistan is power behind Taliban

In the wake of Burhanuddin Rabbani’s assassination, Afghan President Hamid Karzai says trying to talk peace with the Taliban is futile, that the real power behind the insurgents is Pakistan, and that Afghanistan’s best option is to negotiate with Islamabad.


US soldier sentenced for murder of Afghan civilians

A soldier with the US Army was sentenced for his role in murdering an unarmed teenage Afghan civilian in Kandahar province last year. Pvt. Andrew Holmes of the 5th Stryker Brigade was sentenced to seven years in prison as part of a plea deal.


Hazara Shi’ite pilgrims massacred in Pakistan —again

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi took credit for the massacre of 25 Shi’ite pilgrims, members of the Hazara minority, headed from Pakistan to holy cities in Iran. Sunni militants are escalating attacks on the Hazara, who were targeted for genocide in Taliban Afghanistan.


War criminal Burhanuddin Rabbani eulogized by Obama

Barack Obama mourned the death of the war criminal Burhanuddin Rabbani as a “tragic loss.” The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) decried Rabbani as leader of the “Northern Alliance mafia” made up of “millionaire rapists.”


Pakistan claims arrest of al-Qaeda big —with CIA help

Pakistan announced the arrest of top al-Qaeda leader Younis al-Mauritani along with two other operatives. The arrests, in the city of Quetta, were hailed as the fruit of cooperation between Pakistan’s ISI and the CIA—despite recent friction over drone strikes.


Afghan militants raid Pakistan; dialectic of terror continues

Some 300 militants crossed into Pakistan from Afghanistan’s territory and stormed seven security checkpoints along the Durand Line, leaving several troops dead. Suicide attacks and NATO air-strikes in Afghanistan meanwhile killed several civilians.


Afghanistan: NATO raid kills civilians —again

A woman and seven young children were killed in southern Afghanistan’s Helmand province when a NATO patrol called in an airstrike against insurgents firing on them from a mud compound, local officials said.


Has Pakistan really shut US drone base?

Pakistan publicly called a halt to US drone flights from Shamsi airbase near Quetta—yet drone strikes in Pakistan’s border regions have continued, presumably from other bases in Pakistan, or from the CIA base in Jalalabad, Afghanistan.


Kandahar warlord and Karzai half-brother assassinated

Ahmed Wali Karzai—half-brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai and the de facto ruling warlord of Kandahar—was assassinated by a close associate at one of his five mansions by a senior commander of his own security detail.