ICE deportation flight to Southeast Asia

In a charter flight that left on Aug. 12 from Seattle, Wash., US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deported 106 peopleā€”including eight womenā€”to Indonesia, Philippines and Cambodia. The 49 Filipinos, 44 Indonesians and 13 Cambodians were taken from different locations around the US to the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma in preparation for the flight. The deportees included 46 people with criminal convictions. ICE officers and medical staff with the Division of Immigration Health Services accompanied the flight, along with consular officials from the countries involved.

The flight was arranged by ICE Detention and Removal Operations (DRO). It was the US government’s second deportation flight to Indonesia; the first left Yuma, Ariz., on April 8. That flight took 123 deportees to Pampanga, Philippines; and Jakarta, Indonesia on Apri 10 (see INB, April 20). (ICE news release, Aug. 14)

From Immigration News Briefs, Aug. 23

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