The CounterVortex now has a weekly vlog, with our roundup of under-reported news and views from around the world, from an unapologetically radical dissident-left perspective—brought to you by your chief reporter, ranter and blogger Bill Weinberg. Subscribe to our new YouTube channel, and please share on social media. If you wish to receive our weekly headlines and digest by email, you can subscribe to that via Substack.
To keep this work going, please make a small (or medium-sized, or large) donation to our year-end fund drive. We aspire to reach just $500 by year’s end (a small fraction of our annual operating costs), and we’re already on our way. Thanks to five readers—in New York City; Los Angeles; Milan, Italy; and Gloucestershire, UK—a total of $180 has already come in. So $320 to go! If you appreciate what we offer each week, please do your part.
Winter-fund drive moves forward by $125
Thanks to two readers in Chicago, Ill., and Hawthorne, NJ, the CounterVortex winter-fund drive total has moved forward by $125. That means just $195 to our modest goal of $500. Who’s next?
Winter-fund drive moves forward by $5
Thanks to a reader in New York City, the CounterVortex winter-fund drive total has moved forward by another $5. That means just $190 to our modest goal of $500. Who’s next?
Winter-fund drive moves forward by $50
Thanks to a reader in San Diego, the CounterVortex winter-fund drive total has moved forward by another $50. That means just $140 to our modest goal of $500. Who’s next?
Winter-fund drive moves forward by $30
Thanks to a reader in Philadelphia, the CounterVortex winter-fund drive total has moved forward by another $30. That means just $110 to our modest goal of $500. Who’s next?
Winter-fund drive moves forward by $50
Thanks to another reader in New York City, the CounterVortex winter-fund drive total has moved forward by another $50. That means just $60 to our modest goal of $500. Who’s next?
Winter-fund drive moves forward by $100
Thanks to another reader in New York City, the CounterVortex winter-fund drive total has moved forward by another $100. That means we have surpassed our modest goal of $500. Thank you!