Mexico: more journalists “disappeared”

Gamaliel López Candanosa and Gerardo Paredes Pérez, two journalists with Mexico’s national network TV Azteca in Nuevo León, have been “disapeared” for the last four days, the network says in a May 14 statement. “The atmosphere of violence generated in recent months in the metropolitan area of Monterrey has provoked various speculations about their whereabouts, but nothing is confirmed,” said TV Azteca’s regional director Luis Padua at a press conference. “The only thing which is certain is that the reporters have not arrived at their houses or shown up at work.” Gamaliel López generally covered urban development issues, but in July 2006 he was assigned to cover the finding in Monterrey of a severed human head with a threatening note from a narco gang. (Milenio, May 14)

See our last posts on Mexico, narco crisis and attacks on the press.